Fist post here, after a little search in the archives of the forum...
... To ask about a problem I encountered after making a couple buttons (hidden, mouse up>go to a page in this document) in Acrobat 9 Pro over areas containing quite some small text and images:
The buttons function perfectly when I open the pdf in Preview but when I open it in Acrobat, it seems I'm only able to select the text or images, not trigger the button.
If you have an idea of how to solve this problem or where it might come from, please let me know!
It's probably an easy one, I'm just getting started with Acrobat and couldn't find much clues on how to solve this in Adobe's help or browsing through the topics on this forum.
Thank you in advance :)
Lori Kassuba is an AUC Expert and Community Manager for AcrobatUsers.com.