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Calculation not calculating

Registered: Jul 6 2011
Posts: 6

I'm having a calculation problem which, from reading other posts, may have to do with field order. (hope so - that would be an easy fix)
I have a column of items with quantity x price = total, and a grand total at the end that adds up the individual totals.

Problem: when I test it online, it never picks up the last item entered (whichever one it is) and so the grand total is always wrong. This obviously renders the form useless!

If this is a field order issue, I don't know what order I should be using. The totals columns are all read-only.
The form is at Can anyone find the bug?

I used Acrobat 9 pro on a macbook. Tested on mac and pcs, and friends' macs and pcs. Same issue everywhere.

Jellevant, Always Learning

My Product Information:
Acrobat Pro 9.4.3, Macintosh
Kelly McCathran
Registered: Feb 9 2010
Posts: 38

Something seemed to be wrong with the fields on the right side of the form, so I re-created a few problem ones. You can download the new form here (where keep handouts I write for class & class files). I named it order_form_kfm.pdf:
Double check my math, when I was finished, everything seemed to calculate ok. Whenever I have issues like this, I tend to re-build the field (often quicker than troubleshooting).

Kelly McCathran
Adobe Certified Instructor
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Registered: Jul 6 2011
Posts: 6
Thank you Kelly (We've met, by the way at a couple of the creativesuitelovers groups in SF). Anyway, I'm still going in circles. Yes, the calculations worked fine - until I saved it with 'extend features to Reader' - filename: orderformXK.pdf. Now it no longer calculates. Same thing had happened with my form yesterday. I need to add the Extend Features because the entries don't print on pcs - at least on mine (goes to Windows pdf writer). (And most of the users of this forms will have pcs). I don't know what to do now.

I do have a few questions: 1. You seemed to have changed the tab order so that tabbing brings you from quantity to price to total - I was hoping one could just tab down the quantity list since the other two are read only. Is this order important?

2. Is there a way to have the external page (the paypal link) open in a new window? I tried adding target="blank (on a different form) but that brought me to a whole other site.

3.Lastly, I thought I would put some better instructions on the form, so I updated my Illustrator file, saved it as orderformXK.pdf and then copied and pasted all the fields from yours onto it. But of course I did click on extend features. Again, no joy.

So, there is now which is the new one in addition to yours (orderformXK.pdf) which doesn't print and yours extended, orderform.pdf, which doesn't calculate.

Any thoughts?

Jellevant, Always Learning

Kelly McCathran
Registered: Feb 9 2010
Posts: 38

Good to "see" you again. I did Extend the Usage Rights for Reader and added _d to the filename (order_form_kfm_d.pdf) it is back on my public site. That didn't seem to harm the calculations at all (on my end).

1. In my first experiment I changed the tab order to by row, you don't need to do that, it was just a test. But it didn't affect the fields from going down only in the Quantity area, because the others are read-only (and can't be tabbed into).

2. I'll have to check the paypal link tomorrow. I was doing my testing in Acrobat, not in the browser.

Can you check the _d file and let me know if all the calculations still work for you? Also, you can use the Pages tab and Replace Pages when updating the PDF, instead of copying and pasting the fields. I think copying and pasting may have introduced some of the issues I originally saw.

Kelly McCathran
Adobe Certified Instructor
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Certified Technical Trainer+

Registered: Jul 6 2011
Posts: 6
Thanks again - but no, once I uploaded it to the site it didn't work - it's there now I didn't touch anything, just uploaded it.

I only tested it on Chrome in my macbook, but since nothing worked, I didn't bother with the pc. Even the bottom links don't work.

I'm stymied.

added later:

I tried your suggestion of replacing the page rather than copying and pasting. That worked beautifully. So, the 'good' one that doesn't work (!) is /orderform_kfmX.pdf)

Still stymied.

Jellevant, Always Learning

Registered: Oct 30 2008
Posts: 2398
The calculations in work fine for me.
Maybe you have a cached bad version. Try cleaning your cache and loading it again.

- AcrobatUsers Community Expert - Contact me personally at try6767 [at] gmail [dot] com
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Registered: Jul 6 2011
Posts: 6
Hi try67

That one works (on Windows) because I haven't added the extended usage features. The way it is now won't save to desktop so it's no good to me. On my mac, it's fine in safari and FF because it downloads to the computer before opening, but the calculations don't work in Chrome. I need to have it savable with completed fields and working cross-browser/platform which is why I need to have the extended usage working.

Jellevant, Always Learning

Registered: Jul 6 2011
Posts: 6
I just received this response from the adobe forum. Could it be the recent software update? I have Acrobat Pro 9.4.5
If the calculations seem to work at first and then break once you've saved and re-opened the form, you might be battling the same bug I am, in which case no amount of attention to how your calculations are set up is going to fix anything.

For the past week, every newly-saved form I make (even just as extended-features-enabled copies of existing forms that work perfectly well) fails to calculate once I close it and re-open it. I assume it's the result of some software update or another, but the truth is I have no idea. --And apparently nobody else does, since no one responded to my post.-- But if you're suffering from the same problem, then your calculation set-up may be perfectly fine. I've replicated the problem on a number of very simple test forms, as well. They work fine... until I hit save, close them, and re-open them. Then they're just inert.

Jellevant, Always Learning

Registered: Jul 6 2011
Posts: 6
Also just found out that Chrome (which now has a 20+% share of browser users does not support the javascript necessary for this form to work, so I'm going to have to move to a less pretty but more functional html form. How sad. Thank you all for your comments. Kelly, if you have any workarounds, let me know!

Jellevant, Always Learning

Kelly McCathran
Registered: Feb 9 2010
Posts: 38

That might be it. I did close and re-open the file to test and all was still ok on my end. I just checked my Acrobat (I've been running 10 a lot lately, so havent' updated 9 recently). I am using 9.4.3. I'll check with the engineers to see if this is a documented bug. Unfortunately Adobe is shut down this week, so I may not have an answer until next week.

I do have instructions for forcing the Paypal link to a new window, but I'm on a short lunch break (teaching today). I'll get those to you tonight.

The _d form I edited has the Usage Features enabled and may suffice for now... As long as you don't re-save it.

Kelly McCathran
Adobe Certified Instructor
Adobe User Group Manager (
Certified Technical Trainer+