Is this a bug?
I created an html form in Golive CS2, exported as pdf.
Seems everything worked ok.
Font was courier new, and an error message came up about the font.
I changed the font to be Helvetica.
No error messages.
It is strange now. I go to the first text field and it will not type in the letter J or V or who knows what letter.
Will not type lower case: j or v
Uppercase: J M N Q R T V W Z
Any ideas to what is going on?
Thanks for any help.
Here is a link to a pdf if needed
But what I saw is this: When I ran PDF Optimizer (which I have set to get rid of hidden text) and the viewed the hidden text; it showed the letters that you refer to above (and that I had tried typing into the field) as hidden...which means they are going into the field, but in some sort of hidden format.
Somehow I have the feeling that the problem may start with Golive; which is not a program I have; so I can't help you there. But I couldn't find anything using what PDF tools I have to explain this odd behavior.
Acrobat is probably the program I use most often and I'm learning more every day.