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Can't find the location to drop the AcroFormToolset from FormRouter Inc??

Registered: Aug 23 2011
Posts: 1

Newbee here, can seem to find the javascripts directory on Windows7 to place all the .js files so I can use the date picker on my forms. I'm usig Acrobat Pro X.

My Product Information:
Acrobat Pro 10.1, Windows
Registered: Feb 23 2006
Posts: 4307
Do you want it for your userID or all users?

You can use the following JavaScript to locate the application and user folders for Acrobat JavaScripts:

var AppScripts = app.getPath({cCategory: 'app', cFolder: 'javascript'});
try {
var userScript = app.getPath({cCategory: 'user', cFolder: 'javascript'});
} catch(e) {
var userScript = "User has not defined any custom JavaScript";
app.alert("Application folder: " + AppScripts + "\n\nUser Folder: " + userScript, 2,0);

George Kaiser

Registered: Jul 6 2008
Posts: 1875
Accepted Answer
Open the JavaScript console (Ctrl+J) and enter the following code:

app.getPath("user", "javascript");

With the cursor on the line of code (or with it selected), press Ctrl+Enter, or the Enter key on the numeric keypad. It should then display a path where the .js files should be copied to. After copying the files, restart Acrobat.