Newbee here, can seem to find the javascripts directory on Windows7 to place all the .js files so I can use the date picker on my forms. I'm usig Acrobat Pro X.
Newbee here, can seem to find the javascripts directory on Windows7 to place all the .js files so I can use the date picker on my forms. I'm usig Acrobat Pro X.
You can use the following JavaScript to locate the application and user folders for Acrobat JavaScripts:
var AppScripts = app.getPath({cCategory: 'app', cFolder: 'javascript'});
try {
var userScript = app.getPath({cCategory: 'user', cFolder: 'javascript'});
} catch(e) {
var userScript = "User has not defined any custom JavaScript";
app.alert("Application folder: " + AppScripts + "\n\nUser Folder: " + userScript, 2,0);
George Kaiser