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Changing the Background PDF Form in a Filliable Acrobat Form

Registered: Mar 11 2008
Posts: 25

I have designed a Fillable Acrobat Form. For this i converted a word document into a PDF and then used that form and the Form Tools to create the PDF Form.

Now there is a need for some modification in the original word document and thus the resulting basic PDF form.

The basic structure of the form remains the same except for a few text modification and an additional page addition.

I need to preserve the work already done by somehow replacing the background PDF form with the revised form.

I dont know how to do this. I am using the Acrobat Professional.


pramod, Mumbai.

My Product Information:
Acrobat Pro 8.1.2, Windows
Registered: Feb 23 2006
Posts: 4308
Replace the page with the form data with the revised page, "Document => Replace Pages...", then insert the new page as needed, "Document => Insert Pages...".

George Kaiser