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Changing email address for Distributed Form

Registered: Aug 30 2008
Posts: 17

I've been looking high and low for the answer to this, I hope someone can help me out.

I have a form that I have Distributed using the 'manually collect responses in my email box" option. I notice that the form has an email address for responses to be sent to, and no matter what, I can't find a way to change what that email address is. I don't know how it was set in the first place.

So, does anyone know how I go about doing this? Thanks!!

Registered: Nov 1 2005
Posts: 1389
Hi digitaldervish,

I believe if you go to Forms -> Track Forms and click on History in the left panel you can select any form you have distributed and make changes to the e-mail addresses for both sender and recipients there.Hope this helps,

WindJack Solutions
Registered: Aug 30 2008
Posts: 17
Hello Dimitri, thanks for your response. I don't see anything called history on the left side of the tracker window. I see 'latest updates', 'reviews' and 'forms'. When I select my Distributed form, I see options to email recipients again, but this opens Outlook which I don't use.

So I don't know where to go from here.
Registered: Nov 1 2005
Posts: 1389
Hi digitaldervish,

I was wrong on part of my response, sorry. Also, I was answering it for Acrobat 8 Pro, not 9. Please provide what version and flavor of Acrobat you are using when posting, as Acrobat changes so much it is really required to get a relevant answer. I believe you can add that info when you post.

The part I was incorrect on was that you could change the e-mail address by going to the History option on the left side panel. You can't, but History is there for Acrobat 8 Pro. In Acrobat 9 History is not there anymore but instead you get what you see (latest updates, reviews and forms)

It appears that to change the "from" e-mail address you need to open the form in Acrobat and go through the distribute form process again ( Forms ->Distribute Forms) using the new e-mail address you want the forms returned to.Hope this helps,

WindJack Solutions
Registered: Aug 30 2008
Posts: 17
Sorry about that... yeah I'm using Acrobat 9 pro extended. I actually tried several times to go through the distribute forms process again, but I don't come across anything that asks what I want the return email address to be. I do get a dialog box asking which emails I want the form to be sent to on the other hand. Even starting brand new forms from scratch, when I distribute the form, it always assumes I am sending the form from the same email address.

I just had a thought that maybe I need to do something like throw away a preferences file to trick Acrobat so I can set up this email address again. Does that sound like a viable idea?
Registered: Nov 1 2005
Posts: 1389
Hi digitaldervish,

Sounds like you have tried what I am able to do in Acrobat 8 Pro and are not getting it to work- sorry. I do use Outlook and I believe you do need to have a MAPI email client- maybe that is the problem. What email program are you using? I have not had a chance to try this out in Acrobat 9 but will reply back when I do.

Hope this helps,

WindJack Solutions
Registered: Aug 30 2008
Posts: 17
Thanks for the effort Dimitri... I think I found the problem. I went to Edit > Preferences > Identity. This is why all the forms I created all had the same reply to address. I don't understand why Adobe made things this difficult. It seems to me a pretty common task to want to control the email address a form is sent to. Like you said, you are able to do this in Acrobat 8 quite easily.
Registered: Nov 1 2005
Posts: 1389
Hi digitaldervish,

Thanks for posting the solution you found. I checked and my identity is set to the same email I used in the distribute, but I am able to change the send to email in Acrobat 8.

Hope this helps,

WindJack Solutions