Referring to my earlier posting and using George's below example, I'm missing the boat somewhere because nothing is populating in my CheckAmount text field when I select one or the other of the 2 checkboxes. They have the same name but each has a different Export Value.
What am I doing wrong?
Custom calculation script reads:
var sFieldName = "CheckBox62"; // CheckBox62
event.value = ""; // assume no box is checked
if(this.getField(sFieldName).value != "Off") {
// a check box has been selected
event.value = this.getField(sFieldName).value;
Please advise at your earliest opportunity.
Thank you.
Gateway AZ
Here is a tutorial on Conditional Statements from the Learning Center- it has a sample script for a checkbox condition statement to boot-
Conditional ExecutionHope this helps,
Dimitri Munkirs
WindJack Solutions