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Continue text to next text field

Registered: Aug 19 2010
Posts: 1

HELP! I have been searching for an answer to this for over 4 hours! I have Adobe Acrobat 9.0 Pro for MAC, and cannot figure out how to link one text box to the next when the text field is full. I have numerous lines (some of which are different sizes) and once one field is full, I would like the next field to populate, then the next, etc. as they are all under one question to be answered. I think I need javascript, but cannot find the right javascript to use. The one I tried didn't work - I think it may have been for a PC not a MAC, but I'm not sure.

Have patience with me, I'm still learning! ~kim

My Product Information:
Acrobat Pro 9.0, Macintosh
Registered: Feb 23 2006
Posts: 4307
Acrobat JavaScript is the same for Windows and MacIntosh. To have the focus and entry to a new field not only requires a JavaScript keystroke, but also certain field properties being properly set.

[url=]JavaScript - setFocus Method for tabbing to next form field[/url] by Carl Orthlieb has the code but it is for fields that are 2-4 characters in length and the data entered is restricted to numeric values only by a special keystroke check function included in the function called by the keystroke. But is is possible to make this script work with larger fields and non-numeric input. You will need to change the fields' properties and the keystroke script.Even though this script was written in 1997, it still works Reader version 9.

George Kaiser