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Convert pdf document into editable document

Registered: Jun 7 2007
Posts: 2

I want to convert scanned documents saved as pdf into editable documents so merge code fields can be added and changes such as font size, tabs, headers and footers can be added, deleted or changed to prepare them for use as forms. Can Acrobat 8 Standard open pdf documents to allow us the complete access we need?

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Acrobat Standard 8, Windows
Registered: Feb 15 2006
Posts: 4411
With Acrobat 8 Pro you can save a PDF to a MS Word ".doc" file. I don't know if Standard can do this. There are also 3rd party tools for this sort of thing. However the conversion is not perfect, and not all PDF features can be converted.

Some of these things, like adding headers and footers can be done in Acrobat. Acrobat Pro also has tools for modifying fonts, graphics, and images. Although these are just touch-up tools and making significant changes in the PDF is not recommended. Ideally all changes should be made in the original document and then reconverted to PDF.

Thom Parker
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