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DB data -> 3rd party PDF form???

Registered: Apr 22 2010
Posts: 2

Hi all,

title says it all, but I would like to populate a third party PDF form with data from a database which I control. This is so that a user does not have to answer the same questions twice. Unfortunately, the PDF form is a government form, so I cannot edit it or create my own. All I know about the PDF file is that it is password encrypted (??) and was encoded with Acrobat Distiller.

I am a complete newb when it comes to PDF and would like to know:
- if it is possible and practicable
- what languages/tools I need


Registered: Apr 17 2010
Posts: 93
>> populate a third party PDF form with data from a database which I controlIf you need to populate an Acrobat PDF or a LiveCycle PDF, then, will help your situation. is a Microsoft .net library that can import, export PDF form data formats, and database records. comes with 1 year of free technical support and updates, and is relatively innexpensive. works on local and remote servers and workstations, without the need to setup or install. can create XFDF, XML, FDF, and XDP data formats from database records or manually, and save the data to a file, stream, buffer, or string. can also merge different data formats with blank Acrobat or LiveCycle PDF forms. can merge PDFs with password encryptions, and has the ability to create security open or modify passwords. is powered by iTextSharp technologies.

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