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Default size of check box

Registered: Mar 1 2008
Posts: 2

Is there a way to change the check box's default size?

Also, what is the most efficient way to distribute the same size box over and over again on a page.... as well as then align all of the boxes after repositioning them? I know you can use the "Place Multiple Fields" command to make copies of your original box... but do these duplicated boxes always have to be placed into one big cluster to begin with? Does it HAVE to take a while to position many boxes onto one page... because it always ends up being pretty time-consuming for me... having to move each box to the exact position I want it at.


My Product Information:
Acrobat Pro 8.1.2, Windows
Registered: Dec 13 2006
Posts: 165
There are usual several ways to do anything......

But here's how I do it.

Make a check box by drawing it to the size I want.

Copy the Box

Then paste it several times; and move each one to approximately where I want it. Now the new boxes are the same size as the original box that I made.

Then, select all boxes.

On the box that is "red"..., select "edit" and then "align" and align as needed.

So that's saved some time. But you still have to go in and give each box a new name.

If you can run Form Field Recognition the boxes will at least have different names; then you can make one box the size you want; select all boxes; and then tell Acrobat to make all boxes the size of the "red" that is another timesaver.

Form Field Recognition is a great way to start out!

Others may have different ways of accomplishing this; I'd love to hear about it.

Hope this helps!

Acrobat is probably the program I use most often and I'm learning more every day.

Registered: Jan 3 2011
Posts: 4
I am using Acrobat 9 Pro. I can't get the checkboxes to position where I want them; they seem to be snapping to an invisible grid. How do I move the checkboxes?
Registered: Feb 23 2006
Posts: 4308
there is an Acrobat Preference that 'snaps' form fields to gird lines. You turnoff this feature. You could also try changing the grid size.

George Kaiser