Hi ...
I have two questions.
1. If I am calculating a percentage of two fields ("Played" and "Points"), how can I display the field as blank (rather than 0.0%) if either of the source fields are zero or blank? I tried the following, but it didn't work:
var a = this.getField("Played.0").value;
var b = this.getField("Points.0").value;
event.value = b / (a * 2);
if (a == "")
event.value = "";
if (b == "")
event.value = "";
2. I have created an array of 30 rows and need to do calculations for each row. From the sample above, you can see that I'm brute forcing the array for "Percent.0" rather than using indexing. Is there an easy way to refer to a form field by its row?
George Kaiser