I'd like to include a scrollable, multi-line, rich text User Guide to my Online PDF form complete with bold headers, bulleted and plain text. It would be made accessible with a button that shows/hides the User Guide text content (temporarily overlaying existing form content).
I was hoping I could simply cut and paste the rich text content into a Text field (from MS-Word) but pasting removes the "rich" content characteristics (eg. bolding etc.) even with the Text field's "Allow Rich Text Formatting" option selected.
What would be the simplest way to include this rich text User Guide? Can I imbed special control characters in the text that would change bolding and other rich text formatting? If so, is there an online guide with a list of those features?
- or - does the User Guide content have to be painstakingly Javascript-coded ... line by line ... perhaps in the User Guide Text field's Custom Formatting script?