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Emailing Forms

Registered: Jun 7 2007
Posts: 3

I'm having issues emailing forms, too. My form has usage rights enabled, I'm having them go to File/Attach to Email to send. (Adobe Reader 8, WinXP Pro. ) Outlook comes up, and they Send. I can receive from some users, others I can't. We had somewhat the same issue when were emailing just the XML data, and found if we renamed their Profile and had them log in again to build a new one, the data would send. But for 150+ users, that's a lot of work. They have to log off, I have to log in and rename the profile, they have to log in to build a new profile, I have to log back in to copy their Desktop and Favorite settings from the old profile to the new. Is there a file somewhere we can delete that will cure this? Or some sort of Repair? Thanks!


Registered: Oct 2 2007
Posts: 22
PDF the complete document is the option I selected.

When I selected this the "Field selection/all fields-only these" options were grayed out.
Registered: Jun 7 2007
Posts: 3
It has to be something at the machine level. One person can send the document, another can't - from the same machine. So it has to be profile or rights related, doesn't it?
Registered: Jun 6 2007
Posts: 29
We have this issue with many folks. The majority have no problem and the pdf (Designed in LifeCycle) is distributed both by email and on the web via a dataset (_pub_). But we have many of the same issues. Several responders have versions of Reader that need to be updated but many already have version 8 and have the same file problem. Sometimes I wonder if it is a Mac vs PC issue but that's not it either. Sometimes responders get the message that the file is corrupt. Sometimes the data erases when they hit the submit button and nothing is sent. Just far to many different and annoying issues that take too long to try to resolve and many go unresolved.
Registered: Oct 2 2007
Posts: 22
"1. Click the submit or return form button on the PDF form.
2. In the Select Email Client dialog box, select Desktop Email Application; then click OK.
3. In the Send Data File dialog box, click Print Form if you want a copy of the filled-in form; then click Send Data File.
4. Your default email application displays a new email message with the To, Subject, Body, and Attachment fields automatically filled in.

5. Send the email."

These are the steps from the adobe help that came with pro 8.0.

I designed the form in livecycle 8.0.

When I hit the submit (by e-mail) button the "select email client" dialog box does not open. An IE window opens and my e-mail application, Yahoo mail, composes a message. The e-mail address is correct as is the subject line. But no attachment. I send the e-mail and is received right away at my other e-mail address which I sent to.

All I have done is put a "submit by e-mail" button on the form, enter the email address and subject line in the object pallette. that is it. I have done nothing more. Am I missing a step or failing to enable anything?