I'm having issues emailing forms, too. My form has usage rights enabled, I'm having them go to File/Attach to Email to send. (Adobe Reader 8, WinXP Pro. ) Outlook comes up, and they Send. I can receive from some users, others I can't. We had somewhat the same issue when were emailing just the XML data, and found if we renamed their Profile and had them log in again to build a new one, the data would send. But for 150+ users, that's a lot of work. They have to log off, I have to log in and rename the profile, they have to log in to build a new profile, I have to log back in to copy their Desktop and Favorite settings from the old profile to the new. Is there a file somewhere we can delete that will cure this? Or some sort of Repair? Thanks!
When I selected this the "Field selection/all fields-only these" options were grayed out.