Hi, I have a registration form I created in Acrobat Pro. There are entry fields at the top of the form for Name, Company, e-mail address ect that I would like to export to an Excel spreadsheet from the form once it is e-mailed back via submit button from my customers.
1. I only want those specific fields to export to the Excel spreadsheet.
2. I would like to be able to batch export the data from a laarge number of these forms to Excel in a batch process.
3. If possible, i would like the data to build out in one excel file.
Not like I'm asking much :-)
I have tried a number of tools for this that come very close but no cigar - any suggestions?
Best, Steve Nixon
If you want, you can contact me personally about it.
- AcrobatUsers Community Expert - Contact me personally at try6767 [at] gmail [dot] com
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