I have recently discovered that there is a limitations to 500 users when you create Saveable forms in Acrobat Professional. Se this document: http://help.adobe.com/en_US/acrobat/standard/using/WS58a04a822e3e50102bd615109794195ff-7e0d.w.php
My question is if this restriction applies to Acrobat Reader or to Acrobat Professional? If it applies to Reader, couldn't you just make a normal non-saveable pdf and then use another application such as NitroPDF to fill in forms and save? Or is the restriction applied to Professional? In that case I would have to find another pdf form creation tool that doesn' have this limitation.
I have looked at LiveCycle, but it doesn't meet my wishes with the distribution tool.
To Adobe I must say that this issue is quite a jungle to figure out, and you should have a very clear communications on this issue.
Best regards
If you have access to a web scripting page, you can submit the form to the page and have the web service return a completed copy of the page, and with this method you are limited to the 500 copy distribution limit or the LiveCycle Distribution.
George Kaiser