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Failed to send form to recipients + Form distribution is aborted

Registered: Dec 27 2007
Posts: 13

I am running the following software:

- Windows XP Pro SP3
- Adobe Acrobat Pro 9 + LiveCycle Designer ES 8.2
- Outlook 2007

Seems no matter what email button I use in my forms, or which app I use to distribute the form or what method of distribution I use it always fails after I click send. Any help is appreciated.

Thank You.

UPDATE - I am still having a ton of problems with Distribution of forms but I was able to use the Network Folder option and got it to send out the Distribution. Problem is when folks fill out the form and email it back nothing happens. I have to manually save the responses and import them one at a time? That can't be normal?

UPDATE2 - Looks like any of our computers with Acrobat Pro it fails to just update the response file automatically. With Adobe Reader it appears to work fine. Hit the submit button and the response file is updated in a flash! Again this is only with the Network Folder Distribution method.

Drew Capuder
Registered: Feb 8 2009
Posts: 6
I have had the same problem. I am running Vista, with Acrobat 9 Pro, Livecycle Designer ES 8.2

I created a form in LiveCycle Designer and tried to distribute it via email. It came to the series of screens allowing me to fill in the email to the recipients. When sending that email, I got a message "Extending Features in Adobe reader," and then a dialog that said "Failed to send the form to the receipients"

I haven't been able to solve the probem yet.

Drew Capuder
d [dot] capuder [at] att [dot] net
Drew Capuder
Registered: Feb 8 2009
Posts: 6
To follow up on my message about the form distribution aborting in both Acrobat and LiveCycle:

I thought maybe the message "Extending features in Adobe Reader", immedaitely before the distribution email aborted, suggested that I needed to update Raeder. I then saw that, apparently, the installation of Acrobat 9 Pro removed Reader from my computer. So I downloaded Reader 9.

I then ran the distribution routine again, from both Acrobat and then LiveCycle, and I had precisely the same set of error messages.

So after spending hours and hours and hours learning about the form features in Acrobat 9 Pro, I can't get any forms distributed to email recipients.

Another note: I prepared a form ("first form") in LiveCycle early yesterday, based on a template (expense report), and I was able to distribute it via email. I received test replies and it worked fine.

Then I created a second form in LiveCycle yesterday and then had the problem with distributing that form. I then went back to the first form, that had been properly distributed via email, and now I get tghe same error (abort) messages when trying to distribute the first form (even though the distribution worked early yesterday!!).

Drew Capuder
Drew Capuder
Registered: Feb 8 2009
Posts: 6
As yet another update to this problem (Distribution nu email of form fails), I have now created several other forms in LiveCycle, all using templates with no modification, and I get the same error (the email distribution aborts).

Then I tried creating a form and, for the distribution method, chose I confirmed that I have an ID and signed on and everything worked fine (on Then I created another form in LiveCycle using a template (conference registration form) and the only change i made was to add a Submit by email button (and I added an email address to the appropriate field in the settings for the button).

I then saved the form and clicked Distribute in LiveCycle, and chose as the distribution method I get the same type of error-- the distribution fails after I fill out the email and click send, and I get slightly different error message: "Acrobat failed to set up a workflow folder in the specified shared folder or host service". I then get another message that Acrobat failed to distribute the form.

Drew Capuder
Registered: Nov 3 2008
Posts: 1202
Drew Capuder wrote:
When sending that email, I got a message "Extending Features in Adobe reader," and then a dialog that said "Failed to send the form to the receipients"
To distribute a form with you do not need really a email-Button in your form.
Just click on distribute in LiveCycle. Acrobat should start automatically with the form distribute wizard.
Select and type in your Adobe ID, then click next.
The coverting process in Acrobat starts and shows the status message "Extending Features in Adobe reader" (that's normal and not an error message).
After that, the wizard ask you for the receivers of the form (mail adresses).
Type them in and click "send" to distribute the form.
Now, there should be 2 new forms in the same folder, that are used by the Tracker to collect the returned forms data.
You really should use a local folder on your harddrive, not a shared folder for this.
Click on the Tracker icon in the taskbar to check the distributed forms.
The receivers of the form will see a bar with a button to return the filled form to you via

Remember that is still a beta, so there might be problems with the distribution sometimes.

LoveCycle Blog
Documents you need:
LiveCycle Designer ES2 Docs

Drew Capuder
Registered: Feb 8 2009
Posts: 6

Thank you for your reply. I understand that the "extending features in Adobe reader is normal". I am following all of th e steps you outline in your message. Although I added an email button to my form, it has nothing to do with my problem (unless it is, merely through its creation, doing something to the form that generates the errors I receive). I am not clicking on that button at any point in this process leading to the failure/error message upon distributing. And I have since removed the email button from my form.

To follow up, I temporarily solved the problem by telling my AVG anti-virus software to include in its virus scanning exceptions the Adobe application directory. That solved the problem to this limited extent, I was able to finish the distribution of my form (both before and after removing the email button from it).

However, when I created a slightly modified verison of the same form, and saved it under a different name, I got a slightly different error message when trying to distribute it to "Acrobat failed to set up a workflow folder in the specified shared folder or hosted service." Then the distribution aborted.

ANy idea on why that happened? I haven't yet tried the distribution of the new form through email (noty using

Drew Capuder
Registered: Mar 2 2009
Posts: 1
Has anyone found a solution to this problem?
Registered: May 3 2006
Posts: 1
I too am looking for an answer. Tried distributing file from LiveCycle and from Acrobat Pro but no luck - Failed to send form to recipients + Form distribution is aborted. However, the function worked the first time I tried to use it with another form. Second time failed.

I really could use an answer on this one after spending a day creating the form. By the way, saving the form with another name, then using the EMAIL button to send to myself works.

Registered: Mar 12 2009
Posts: 1
I have the same issue. Acrobat will not distribute the form. It worked previously, but now does not. I'm thinking perhaps the company has added a security feature to prevent it.. Am checking into that now.
Registered: Mar 31 2009
Posts: 1
Fixed (at least it works for me):

What breaks distribution is selecting "Remember my choice" on the initial distribution dialog box.

The next time you distribute a form, you will encounter the bug.

To restore the default dialog box, click on the "Delivery method" line, in the "To..." dialog box (where you select an e-mail address), and de-select the "Remember my choice" box.

As long as the intitial dialog box opens up, I'm able to distribute forms.

--pepperink, Santa Barbara
Registered: Aug 21 2009
Posts: 3
I'm having a similar problem distributing a form.
I'm using Acrobat Pro 9 on a Mac G5, OS X (10.4.11) PowerPC processor.
I created a 'test' form using a simple PDF text file then added a single fillable field. I saved this acrobat file and clicked the 'Distribute' button, then
entered the e-mail address I wished to send it to. Everything worked fine. I then created a form in Illustrator CS2 (version 12.0.1) saved it as a PDF
and opened it in Acrobat Pro 9, created some fillable fields, saved the form, clicked the 'Distribute' button, entered an e-mail address and clicked 'Send'. I got the 'Unable to Distribute' warning and the 'Abort' warning. Tried it several times with the same result.
Can anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong?
Is it possible the file is too large (2MB)?

Any help would be greatly appreciated

Registered: Aug 21 2009
Posts: 3
Nevermind about my post above.
pepperink's post above my original post worked for me too (I guess I should have read pepperink's post first).
Registered: Aug 25 2009
Posts: 1
I had a similar problem also sorted by pepperink's suggestion, many thanks for your assistance

Registered: Mar 9 2010
Posts: 3
I developed a form in LiveCycle Designer ES 8.2. The form has text fields, check boxes and a button (not email button) for submitting the completed form to one person after completion. The intent is to place the form on our company intranet. The text boxes appear to work correctly. The button that submits a completed pdf form seems to work correctly after many hours of hair pulling. For some reason the check boxes are coming accross to the email recipient as not being checked. It seems that I either get a completed pdf form with no check marks or pdf data sent instead of the actual form.I can't seem to have both. Is anyone else having this problem?

Thanks, Debbie
Registered: Nov 4 2010
Posts: 1
I have Adobe Professional Version 9.4. I have created a form and am trying to distribute it but Adobe keeps erroring out (with no explanation) and closing. I want the entire completed form to be sent to my inbox, not just data. I have extended the features to Reader and did pepperink's suggestion, but still have it close out on me. I was able to do it previously and not sure if this is a bug with 9.4.
Registered: Apr 14 2011
Posts: 1
Thanks Pepperink! Your instructions fixed my problem perfectly! :)


Registered: Jul 17 2008
Posts: 53
Thanks, Pepperink! You saved me lots of time and frustration! :)