I need to make a purchase order form that floats through the office and is filled in by our office, but then I want to flatten the whole thing so it no longer functions as a form but just opens as a flat pdf. How can I do that?
I need to make a purchase order form that floats through the office and is filled in by our office, but then I want to flatten the whole thing so it no longer functions as a form but just opens as a flat pdf. How can I do that?
//</JSCodeSnippet>//<JSCodeSnippet name="AddMenuItem">// add menu item to docuemnt option gtktry{ app.addMenuItem({ cName: '*Flatten Pages',cUser: 'FlattenPages',cParent: 'Document',cExec: 'PDFScript_DoFlatten()',cEnable: 'event.rc = (event.target != null);',cMarked: 'event.rc = false'});//</JSCodeSnippet>} catch(e) {}//</JSCodeSnippet>
See this article on how to flatten PDFs- it has instructions, the JS code used, and a free tool you can download if you are going to do this often. Caution: once you flatten the form you can't go back so make a copy if you may need the interactive one for use later.
Edit- this only works for AcroForms-created with the form tools in Acrobat. This will not work with an XFA form created with LiveCycle Designer.
Hope that helps,
WindJack Solutions
Dimitri Munkirs
WindJack Solutions