Follow up question.
I am trying to use multiple radio button to update the calculations contained in various numeric fields.
I was told the follwoing expression was illegal as it referenced more then one instance of a field:
Form1.#subform[0].Table1.*.Cell1.calculate = SUM(Cell2 + Cell3)
I subsequently tried to use a variable to store the formula as show above. I then assigned the variable value to each the required numeric fields as a calculate script.
The same error presented itself when I tried to use the radio button to update the formula in the variable.
The error is as follows:
accessor Cell2 is unknown.
The original question is located here [link=][/link]
Any help would be appreicated as I need to find a way to dynamically update over 100 calculate scripts on the form based on specific radio button selection.
Chris C
My favorite quote - "Success is the ability to go from one failure to another with no loss of enthusiasm.