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Footer Help!

Registered: Jan 25 2010
Posts: 2

My company has adobe acrobat 8. For the last week I have been putting in footers with a misspelled world, which I just realized today. This means I have to change about a hundred documents. However, when it comes time to change the document, more than half of them do not recognize the footer already there when I do add/replace/delete. This forces me to redact the footer on each page and re foot the whole thing. Is there any I can have it so that all footer are editable. It would save me a lot of time and I would be really appreciative.

Registered: Nov 1 2005
Posts: 1389
Hi manos83,

Did you add the footers in Acrobat? If yes, then under Document ->Header and Footer there are 3 options; Add, Update, and Remove. If you select Update the Update header and Footer dialog appears and allows you to change the text in the footer.If the footers were added in the source application then converted to PDF, you will have to edit the source document then reconvert to PDF.

If the footers are consistently placed and you have some skill with Acrobat JavaScript, you could create a batch sequence script to remove footers from a batch of documents at once. If not, I'm afraid you will have to do this one file at a time.

Hope this helps,

WindJack Solutions