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Form calculation upon opening

Registered: Feb 26 2010
Posts: 3

I am relatively new to creating these forms, but I understand javascript and the built calculations for adding fields to a total.

For example I have a pdf with 4 fields and 1 total. I push data and merge the pdf with data and upon opening it will not calculate the 4 fields in the total, but if I change a number and tab off it calculates.

Is there something special that needs done to get this to calculate on the fly upon opening?


My Product Information:
Acrobat Standard 9.0, Windows
Registered: Oct 6 2006
Posts: 368
acco_is wrote:
I push data and merge the pdf with data and upon opening it will not calculate the 4 fields in the total, but if I change a number and tab off it calculates.
I'm not sure what you mean by push the data and merge the pdf with data.


Registered: Feb 26 2010
Posts: 3
1. I have a template pdf file that I create that has lets say 4 numeric fields and 1 total field
2. I have a program I created along with a 3rd party tool called iText Sharp.
3. I create an xml file with all the data I need pricing included
4. the program in step 2 copies the original pdf, populates the text boxes with the matching XML elements and saves the new file
5. upon opening the new file, the numeric fields do not total up. The total text box is still 0.00 or the default value. Only when I change one of the 4 text box prices does it then total up, because of the keyup/mouseup/onblur effect.

Is there a way to kick off the same type of onblur/mouseup/keyup even when opening the file so that it totals everything up upon opening?