Hey all, first post.
I have self-educated myself into creating forms with AA8Pro. I have created forms with formulas (built and complex ones) that work fine when "previewing" them. However, when I save them, with properties to allow Reader users to save them, they do not act properly.
Calculation fields refuse to calculate. For example: If I make fillable form where field A and B are number fields, entered by the user and Field C is a calculation field where C=A+B it refuses to autofill in the result! If I open the form back up in Pro, and retype the formula, it will work that one time, but if I open the form back up in Reader, no auto-calcs! I have checked the setting in Reader to "calculate fields" which is actually that way by default, but that doesn't seem to help.
This is frustrating since it obliterates the usefullness of creating Adobe Forms for my workplace.
I even download the sample expense report from this site and it did the same thing.
Acrobat Pro 8
From what you describe, it sounds like the forms do not have the calculation scripts on them at all, after the enabling. Can you post the form to somwhere it can be downloaded from?
Thom Parker
The source for PDF Scripting Info
Very Important - How to Debug Your Script