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In forms w/typewrtr, get boxes not I-beam when using Acrobat 7 Reader

Registered: Jul 24 2008
Posts: 8

I've created a form using Acrobat 9 Pro, and enabled the typewriter feature for Reader 7. When the user goes to type in the form in Acrobat 7 Reader, she gets a box that she cannot type in rather than the I beam with the A that indicates she can type her text. Is this a setting that I can adjust?

My Product Information:
Acrobat Pro 9.0, Windows
Registered: Jul 6 2008
Posts: 1876
When you say you created a form, did you add actual form fields? If not, and you're expecting the user to use the Typewriter tool, have you confirmed that the user has the typewriter tool selected when attempting to add text?

Registered: Jul 24 2008
Posts: 8
I'm sorry I wasn't clearer. Here's what I did:

1. Created the 'form" in Acrobat 9 by converting a Word table to a PDF document. (It's not really a formal "form", but looks like one to our users).

2. Enabled the typewriter function for Acrobat Reader.

3. The user opened Reader and clicked on the typewriter button

4. The user then saw a small box outlined by blue boxes rather than the I-beam that indicates that the typewriter feature can be used.

(Sometimes the I-beam did appear, but often the box appeared instead.)

Thanks for any assistance you can give me.