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How to combine contents two text boxes into one text box

Novice Acrobat User
Registered: Jan 11 2010
Posts: 5

Thanks in advance for your help, as I am a novice user. In Adobe Acrobat 7, am trying to create a form that autopopulates text boxes in several pages. For example, first name will populate on all text boxes named "first name". I am wondering if there's a way to combine the contents of two text boxes into one box. For instance, can I have text box called "first name" plus text box called "last name" to autopopluate the text box called "full name"? I know this question is probably pretty simple, so thanks for walking me through it.

My Product Information:
Acrobat Pro 7.1.4, Windows
Registered: Oct 30 2008
Posts: 2399
Enter the following code into full name's custom calculation script (I've added a space between the names... I assume you want that):
event.value = this.getField("first name").value + " " +  this.getField("last name").value;

- AcrobatUsers Community Expert - Contact me personally at try6767 [at] gmail [dot] com
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Novice Acrobat User
Registered: Jan 11 2010
Posts: 5
Did I do it correctly? I went into the text field properties box. Under Actions, I selected the trigger mouse up and action is run a javascript. I added the one you gave me by copying and pasting, but when I close out the properties box, it doesn't work. Did I miss something? Thanks so much for your help!
Novice Acrobat User
Registered: Jan 11 2010
Posts: 5
Disregard my last post; I got it to work when I actually followed your directions! I added it to the custom calculation script box. Thanks so much for your help!