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How to force you to complete all required fields before editing.

Registered: Nov 12 2009
Posts: 10

I've finished designing my PDF form, and I've "unlocked" it so it can be saved with fields filled in, but I want to alert the person filling it out that they haven't completed all fields before it is saved or emailed. I made all fields "required" fields. But if I only fill out part of it, I can still email it incomplete using the drop-down command "Attach to email."

Is there any other way to force users to complete all fields before emailing it?

Registered: Feb 23 2006
Posts: 4308
The 'required' field property only works when one submits the PDF to a web server script page. You will have to write a custom script to test the required fields. This is not a simple task and has to be adjusted for your form fields. Check Boxes and Radio Buttons have value of 'Off' when no selection has been made and Check Boxes do not have the 'required' property. Combo Boxes and List Boxes have no standard unselected item, and what looks like a null entry is a space character. And you have to decide how to report the incomplete status to the user. Even if one submits to a web server, many still write a custom JS to check and report the status since the default message is so bad.

George Kaiser

Registered: Nov 12 2009
Posts: 10
Thanks for the advice. Much appreciated.