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Inputed text on form invisible unless field entered.

Registered: Apr 18 2008
Posts: 51

I have a simple form with no javascript, except the "save doc" button. It contains multiple sets of radio buttons, several checkboxes, and four text input fields. Of those four text input fields, the settings are as follows:

• Text1 = default settings
• Text2 = formatted for date
• Text3 = multi-line, font-size set
• Text4 = default settings

I added the fields using AcroPro 8.x on Mac OS X.6, and saved with usage-rights enabled. End-users are using Windows XP/Vista.

Sometimes, and not on every completed form, the text fields will be blank. Entering the field (focus) causes the text to appear. It is obvious that the text is there, however it is not displaying unless the field has focus.

Any ideas on what might be causing this?



YES! I can do that.

My Product Information:
Acrobat Pro 8.1.2, Macintosh
Registered: Jul 20 2009
Posts: 27
this may not be the case but I have seen that happen when there are textfields that are outside the page

by outside I mean I had to zoom way back and there they were sitting on the pasteboard

somehow acrobat tries to reconcile letting you fill them in while staying focused on the actual document
Registered: Apr 18 2008
Posts: 51
No. I thought that too at first, but verified that there are not any fields outside the artboard area.

One thing that I do notice about the file is that the 26 sets of radio buttons take several seconds to "outline" while editing the fields in "edit" mode. Any change to any field causes Acrobat to re-outline each radio button, so editing/moving fields is a real pain for a one-page simple form.


YES! I can do that.

Registered: Apr 2 2009
Posts: 36
I've just come upon a similar problem -- but it's only happening for one user with a form that's been in use by multiple users for nearly a year.

We're just now checking to find out what Acrobat version she used to fill in the form, but the weird thing is that the behavior is inconsistent...the entered text appears correctly when I open the form in 9 Pro, but when another person opens it in 8 Pro, the text doesn't appear unless she clicks in each form field.

And the text remains visible even after she clicks in another field, so it's not precisely a focus issue.

It's a 14-page form with lots of checkboxes and calculated fields, but no radio buttons. The form was originally created in 8 Pro, but it was finalized during the month we had a trial version of 9 Pro Extended. We're currently working in 9 Pro.

I'm thinking it's got something to do with the user's installation of Acrobat, but the fact that it behaves differently on two machines here seems a little odd.

So I'm curious if you've gotten any more information about it at your end? Thanks!

Registered: Feb 25 2010
Posts: 3
I just ran into this as well. Turns out, in the affected PDFs, there was a field "fill color" set, which overlays the text. (I didn't set a fill color.) Removing that, reveals the typed in text.

In the same problem forms, all textareas somehow got re-set to "scroll long text," something I had unchecked in my final form design.

So, something's wrong with either Acrobat or Reader.
Registered: Feb 25 2010
Posts: 3
But wait! There's more. In these corrupt forms that are being returned (there are only a few out of several dozen), it's also possible to type letters into fields I set as number only, letters or anything into date fields, etc.

The form was built with Acrobat 9 Pro.
Registered: Feb 1 2010
Posts: 16
Same problem here recently. Filled form in Acrobat 8, 'SOMETIMES' the filled text data is invisible in Acrobat 6 or Acrobat 9.
Registered: Jun 17 2010
Posts: 1
I too am having difficulty. Whew! I thought it was just me. I've created a form and the "Date" field keeps disappearing when tabbed to the next field. When I put the cursor on the field it re-appears. It just started doing this yesterday after I e-mailed the form to another co-worker to "proof" for me. He brought that to my attention. Is there a solution for this yet?
Thank you in advance.
Registered: Apr 18 2008
Posts: 51
What I have found is when a user opens the AcroForm with Mac OS's Preview app, makes any changes to the fields (enter data), and then saves the file, that opening it later with Acrobat - whether Reader, Standard, or Pro - those same edited fields will display as blank until they are clicked within, showing the selected fields' contents. However, the instance that you deselect that field the data "hides" again.

The only fix is to "edit" the form fields in question by either changing its font/size, color, bkgd color, etc... Once "edited" and you return to the "Preview" mode, the fields in question are now visible.



YES! I can do that.

Registered: Feb 23 2006
Posts: 4307
See [url=]Inviisible data in form fields[/url], that discusses this at length and has a link to a fix, [url=]Script to Fix Mac OSX Form Fill and Save[/url] by By Joel Geraci.

George Kaiser