Just created my first interactive form. All your info has been so helpful, thank you! My question is:
Using Adobe Acrobat 8 Pro, I've added a button (to be used to email the completed form back to the sender) but this button has no options in the property box to allow me to label it EMAIL. I want the word EMAIL to show on the button, permanently. (not just when you mouse over it, but actually be ON the button). Is this possible? Fingers crossed :)................
In the Properties dialog for the button under the Options tab in Layout choose Label Only and in the section for Icon and Label enter the Text you want for the button in the Label Text field. You will see there are a few other options in this dialog, for example you could have a grpahic for your button, and you can also set the button appearance to be different when it receives a mouse click or the user rolls over it. Play aorund with these options- you can create very nice button effects if you want.
Hope this helps,
WindJack Solutions
Dimitri Munkirs
WindJack Solutions