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Linking Related (But Non-Identical) Fields?

Registered: Oct 25 2007
Posts: 2


I have a form that has some related (but non-identical) fields, for example: name, signature, telephone number and email.

When, for example, "John Smith" is entered into the name field, I'd like "/John Smith/" to populate the signature field, and John Smith's telephone number and email address to populate *those* fields.

When "Mary Brown" is entered into the name field, I'd like *her* information to populate the same fields. How do I accomplish this?

Many thanks in advance for your help!

Katja Thomas
katja [at] parklegal [dot] com

Registered: Feb 23 2006
Posts: 4308
You have to add calculation actions to the fields. The exact code will depend if you are using Acrobat Forms or LiveCycle Designer.

George Kaiser