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Macro in PDF

Registered: Jul 19 2011
Posts: 2

Hey all,
First time posting here.
I am working on a project in Microsoft Access and I needed to print a report out in ANSI D (22 x 34). Access can't print it out because it won't allow the width of the page to go past 22". I tried exporting it to word but I had the same issue. So I decided to export into PDF. IT WORKED! WOO HOO!
Ive tried printing in PDF in ANSI D and everything came out fine.
The issue, minor one atleast, is the steps I have to do to get it to print properly. This report updates weekly and I need to print it weekly. I was wondering if I could set up a macro in pdf to automate the printing process.
I would need it to do the following:
Change paper size to ANSI D
Scale and possible center it
Finally, Print it.
Is this possible?
In hopes of a response,

My Product Information:
Acrobat Standard 9.0, Windows
Acrobat 9ExpertTeam
Registered: Jul 11 2011
Posts: 389

This can be accomplished through JavaScript, or maybe Batch Processing (easier for the non-programmer). Click the Play Video link here for an example:

A droplet might also be useful, once your batch is created:

Kelly McCathran
Adobe Community Expert
Certified Technical Trainer+

Registered: Jul 19 2011
Posts: 2
Hey Kelly,
I tried doing the Batch Processing but I couldnt find an Edit Sequence to change the size to ANSI D.
Would it be difficult to do through java script?
Im mostly a beginner with java script and don't have much experience with it.

Thanks :)
