We would like to create a form in PDF (it's a contract so we only want the other departments to be able to modify things like Name, Address, etc...) in our legal department.
Then we would like another department to be able to open the form in PDF and use an Excel file that is exported from our database to fill in the fields (like a mail merge, only it won't actually get mailed).
Then, if possible, we would like that 2nd department to be able to somehow "lock" that document so that it cannot be changed, so that it can be emailed (and printed and fedexed) to our clients for signature.
We are thinking if we purchase 9 pro for the legal department and 9 standard for the other departments we should be able to do this, but we want to be sure before we spend an estimated 10-20K on software. Can anyone confirm?
I don't want you to tell me how to do it, just if it's possible and if the suggested Pro/Standard arrangment sounds like it will work.