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My FDF file does not have a PDF location?

Registered: Sep 27 2010
Posts: 16

An FDF file is supposed to contain the filename and location of the PDF form from which the form data in that particular FDF file was exported. Adobe Acrobat uses that filename and location in order to retrieve and open the appropriate PDF form when opening an FDF file. The user downloads the PDF file from my website, fills in all the fillable forms, then clicks the "Submit by email" button at the bottom (to either 1. create an email with the FDF file as an attachment if the user's email is desktop-based, or 2. prompt the user to save the file and then email it as an attachment later if his or her email client is web-based). Unfortunately, in either case, the FDF file that gets created does not contain the original location of the PDF file. So now I'm getting all these emails from clients and I double-click on the FDF file and it says Adobe cannot find the location (blank). How do I fix this?

My Product Information:
Acrobat Pro 10.0, Windows
Registered: Jul 25 2006
Posts: 255
The link to the base document is not mandatory in FDF. Therefore, the FDFs are indeed valid.

It surprises me a little bit that it does not get inserted into the FDF, because Acrobat/Reader does normally include it in an FDF it exports. But it could be in context with the dreaded "submit by email" function.

Now, what can you do about it? Double-clicking on the FDF won't work (in fact, it would not work most of the time even if the path to the base document were included, because your user has it at another location anyway).

One workaround could be to include an invisible, read-only field in your form where you specify your path; you then can parse the FDF for retrieving your path, and use that. You may even set up a little batch script would process the FDFs and add the appropriate link to your base file.

Hope this can help.

Max Wyss.

Registered: Sep 27 2010
Posts: 16
So apparently after extensive trial-and-error testing, it appears the FDF will only include the URL if you open the PDF inside the browser. You CANNOT have a box pop up that gives you the option to either open with Adobe (default) or Save the File, because in either case it will open in a separate instance of Adobe. In my case if you open the PDF using the Safari web browser it will open within a new Safari window and when you save the PDF everything will be OK. However if I open the PDF using Firefox it will give me the option of opening in Adobe Reader (default) or Saving the File, and in either case the FDF will not include the URL.

So now I have two questions:

1. Is this normal? Are FDFs really supposed to rely on the end user opening up the PDF in the correct way???
2. How do I configure Firefox to open a PDF within a browser window?
Registered: Apr 2 2011
Posts: 7
I have almost the same problem. I would like the fdf to find its own document automatically.

Form submitted from Reader returns the FDF by email to me . On opening I get the following error message:
"The file you are attempting to open contains comments or form data that are supposed to be placed on [blank]. This document cannot be found. It may have been moved, or deleted. Would you like to browse to attempt to locate this document?"
Browsing opens the directory where the document is and opening it fill in the data OK.

Tried opening in a browser (IE9 or Opera 11.11) - returns an error message:
"Unable to locate the form, because the PDF lacks an /F key. If the FDF came back as the result of a submit from a PDF form, then the URL is probably missing "#FDF" at the end."

I added "#FDF" to the end of the URL and it seems to be working OK for me now. Does it do it for you?