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Need to eliminate or embed Japanese fonts in my document: HELP!

Registered: Jul 7 2009
Posts: 16

I have created several forms for my high school and for some reason some of the text fields defaulted to Kozuka Mincho Pr6N R. The font looked fine in my documents, so I left it there. When I sent the documents to the school for review, the person on the other end told me he had to download a Japanese font set in order to view them, although he admitted he was using an old version of Reader. I went back and looked at the document properties, and the font was not embedded, so I changed all the instances of that font to Times New Roman, which was embedded, and is a pretty standard font anyway.

When I went back and looked at the document properties after saving the document, it still showed the Japanese font. So...

How do I either embed the font (I have no access to the original documents used to create most of the PDFs I am working with) OR totally eliminate it so others won't have to download fonts to open the files?

Thanks in advance.

My Product Information:
Acrobat Pro 9.1.1, Macintosh
Registered: Aug 10 2009
Posts: 1
I've been having the same problem with a form I created for my high school in July. I noticed that Adobe had an update and I guess that is when the Kozuka font got installed. I tried a couple of fixes and the form seems to work now:

1. I changed the font substitution for all Kozuka fonts as you did (I used Arial instead of Times New Roman - not for any particular reason other than it was used in my form)

2. I looked in the XML code for the form and searched for "Kozuka". I substituted Arial for the "psName=" and the "typeface=" in the line of code so it now reads

3. I did a Save As and chose the option for Permanently Replace Unavailable Fonts

4. I found the Font folder in Adobe that had Kozuka fonts. I deleted those fonts (Kozuka Gothic, Kozuka Bold, etc.)

I think the most important was probably changing the XML line of code (#3 above). I tried to delete it at first, but it kept reappearing. I tried changing it and it seemed to change permanently.

Good luck!
Registered: Jul 7 2009
Posts: 16
Thanks for your input. I don't have the option to replace the unavailable fonts when saving, or at least if I do, I'm not seeing it. Where can I access it?