This has been asked several times but no satisfying answer has been given yet. When you distribute a fillable form and the recipient tries to open it in Reader, the following message appears and the form fields become inactive:
“These documents contain certain rights to enable special features. The document has been changed since it was created and these rights are no longer valid. Please contact the author for original version of the documentsâ€.
I’ve tried distributing and opening the forms from/on several PCs with the same end result when opened on another PC in Reader. I’ve used trial versions and also a retail version of Acrobat 8 that was installed on friends’ PC.
I’m sure I’ve done everything right as I was following’s tutorial. However I’ve noticed a message in the form distribution wizard that was not present on the tutorial’s version of Acrobat 8. When the wizard asks "How would you like to distribute your form", underneath there's a light bulb with message. If at the end of that message there's a "note: your license limits forms distribution and/or aggregation". This “Note†was not present on the Acrobat 8’s version the video tutorial was made with. So, I guess the some versions (trial and retail) are somehow limited although Adobe says they are fully functional. Is there a special license I need to buy to distribute forms or there’s something else?
I’d appreciate if someone knowledgeable comments on that as I was considering buying Acrobat only for the fillable forms, but that turned me off.
The enablement and distribution features are "fully functional" in both the trial and retail version of Acrobat 8 Pro, with limitations per the EULA.
I have not seen the video on distributing forms with Acrobat 8, but I have read Ted Padova's [i]Acrobat 8 PDF Bible[/i] on the subject and he has a screen shot of the "Form Distribution Options" dialog ( pg 995, Fig 35.17) that clearly shows the message "Note: Your license limits forms distribution and/or aggregation." Below this is a link labeled "Check the EULA for details."
Ted and Duff (pretty knowledgable people) here at AUC have written about the limitations of the Enable Usage Rights for Reader feature of Acrobat 8. Here are links to 2 items-
I'm not sure why the Rights Enabling is not working for your form in Adobe Reader (it works for me), but any changes made after enabling is applied require you to go through the enabling process again.
If you need to have more people fill and save your form than is allowed by the Acrobat 8 Pro EULA, Adobe sells a Reader Extension server product-
Hope that helps,
WindJack Solutions
Dimitri Munkirs
WindJack Solutions