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PDF hiding vertical menu and horizontal dialog boxes

Registered: Nov 4 2011
Posts: 1

Hi All,
I have a page containg
1. Vertical menu at the top
2. next line of the page
pdf displayed using tag on the left side
buttons menu which upon click will display dialog box created
using divs.
The issue is, these vertical menu and dialog boxes are displayed behind the PDF object. I tried below solutions but no luck.
1. wmode=opaque in param tag
2. iframe to display pdf
3. ul/li along with with display=none
4. highest z-index value for dialog boxes and menu
5. overlay pdf object with color/image and display the menu or dislog box
I also read that pdf do not support wmode.
So could you plz help us with better solution.
Thanks in advance.

My Product Information:
Reader 10.1, Windows
Registered: Oct 29 2008
Posts: 1357
PDFs embedded into a web page will fire whatever plugin the user has (if any) - and that effectively punches a hole right through your page stack. Things like z-index no longer apply as the content in the plugin isn't part of the DOM, and as the PDF object isn't Flash it has no concept of wmode or transparency.

People tend to try the "iframe shim" technique when they need to force a non-DOM plugin into the DOM stack, but it's notoriously unreliable, especially in Opera. Google for it, but don't expect too much. The other option is to convert the PDF into Flash (using one of the many tools and services out there), as z-ordering SWFs is a much more reliable task.