I have multiple New Hire forms that I have created as eForms using Adobe 8.0 LiveCyle. It is great that they show up as individual documents in the left margin; however, when our field Facility Administrators print them out as an entire packet...the packet prints out in Alphabethical order versus the order the packet was created in. This means they have to take the time to put them in the correct order for their New Hire. Is the only method around this to create one document and put that into LiveCycle versus creating a packet? Make sense?
Thank you,
Annette Narans
annette [dot] narans [at] davita [dot] com
Seems to me the file should print out in the order the pages show on the left Navigation pane. Is that not the case?
Mark Atchley mark [at] printoptionz [dot] com
415-388-7040 office 415-860-3224 cell
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