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Problem with emailing a form.

Registered: Dec 10 2009
Posts: 10

Brief Explanation:

I created a PDF with form fields from a word document. This was great. I then added a button on the bottom of the form to reset all the fields and one to print the document. This too was great. Then I wanted to give the person filling out the form the ability to both save the form locally and also wanted to add a button to email the completed form to a "supervisor" for approval. By the way, all this information was found by researching this web site. Thank you.

I did additional research and I found that I needed to Distribute the form in order to get this functionality to work properly. I did so, and viola, it worked. I could save the form locally and email it.

Then I noticed a problem.

During the Distribution Process I had to fill in some information such as my name (author) copyright information, etc. One thing it asked for was email address.

What I notice now is that when you look at the document in Acrobat Reader there is is purple bar across the top with a submit button on it. This submit button sends this form to my email address. I know it is because I put my email address in the Distribution Area when I filled it out. I need this to go away but I can not find it. How can I edit out my own email address. I tried modifying the form and re-saving it and then re-distributing it, but it no longer asks for my email address.

Please help.

I am using: Adobe Acrobat 9.2.0 Pro for Mac


My Product Information:
Acrobat Pro 9.2, Macintosh
smitchell15 (not verified)

You cant remove the purple bar at the top I'm afraid as it automatically creates when distributing a form. If you really don't want it there, create a submit button for an email link to your supervisor within the PDF, enable reader rights to the document (Advanced – extend feature in Adobe Reader) this will allow Adobe Reader viewers to fill in/print and save the document and email it back to you.
Registered: Dec 10 2009
Posts: 10
I don't want to remove the purple bar at the top.

I want to remove my email address from the "submit" button that is on the purple bar. I am just the creator of the form. I do not need to see the forms after they are filled out and submitted.

The email button I have embedded in the form itself works just fine. When clicked it opens the clients mail client and they put in the address they want to mail the form too and off it goes.

The Problem is that on the purple bar there is another submit button and if that is clicked the form gets emailed to me via Acrobat and I can not have that happen. I know how it got there, the Distribution process asked me for my email address. But now I can not find it to take it out.
smitchell15 (not verified)
Ok thanx for the clarification,

Are you distributing via

If you are using the email method (The email method would be right for you as you never want to see the form again) is it not possible to recreate the form with the supervisor email address. I'm guessing your distributing via the email option as that option lets you enter email address and the method uses your adobe ID. When you distribute a form, acrobat automatically generates a workflow script that you can see in the document javascripts but I have no idea at all how to edit that as its not as easy as retyping an email address as that doesn't exist in the script!

Just read ya email again and think i could have an idea now!! You said it doesn't ask for it anymore so its remembering your choice, you could try going into the preferences and adjusting the email address of the supervisor temporarily in the Identity and Acrobat,com tab. That could work for you?
Registered: Dec 10 2009
Posts: 10
When I created it the "Delivery Method" was Manually collect responses in my mailbox.
and the "Distribution Method" was to Save a local copy and distribute it later.

Because I was under the impression that if I saved it locally, then emailed the document to the people that were actually going to use it and let them distribute it all would be well.

Except that now if they click the embedded email button I created in the form all is well. But if a user is to click the "Submit" button on the purple banner it comes back to me. This can not happen. The form has personal data on it. I don't need to see that. I need to remove myself from it.

I can not find the location of the supervisor preferences you reference.

smitchell15 (not verified)
If you choose Acrobat Preferences and choose the IDENTITY tab halfway down, YOUR email address should appear there. Delete it and make sure its gone and redistribute the file and then you will be asked to re enter a new email address. Just done a test here and it worked so hopefully that has solved ya problem? ;-)
Registered: Dec 10 2009
Posts: 10
Ahhh.. I found it thank you. But now there is another problem.

When I go to distribute the form an email address is required. So I am stuck again.

Our form requires that it be sent to one of several supervisors in one of 3 different locations across the state. So a single email address will not work. That is why I have an embedded "Email form button in the PDF"

Because of the nature of the data on the form I can not let distribute the form.

The ideal situation is to email this PDF to the person who requests information, have them fill the form out and email it to one of several supervisors who can verify the information and the access requested. The supervisor can then forward the form to the proper department once the information is approved.

Now you see my dilemma, and the reason I need my email off the form and for that Submit Form button on the purple bar to go away.
smitchell15 (not verified)
Ok were getting there!

What i think you should do is not distribute the file as that doesn't help you, it is just causing you problems and there is no need to do it in your example.
On completion of the form after creating the button i'm suggesting below, extend reader right to the document, and dont' distribute it.

I would create a radio button which was listed by department(supervisor), ie Sales, Accounts etc and in the export value of each department, enter there email address.

Then create a text field called EmailTextField and in the calculate tab – custom calculations script, enter the following
event.value = this.getField("RadioButton").value

This pulls the export value into the that text field. set this field to hidden so you cant see it.

Then this is where the magic happens!

Create a button, choose run javascript and enter the following javascript code:

var address = this.getField("EmailTextField").value
var sub = "what ever you like?!";
var msgBody = "Your body text here if any!";
var cResponse = app.alert({
cMsg: "Submitted to outlook.",
nIcon: 2, nType: 2,
cTitle: "Email Form"});
// proceed only if response is "YES"
if (cResponse == 4) {
bUI: false,
cTo: address,
cSubject: sub,
cMsg: msgBody,
cSubmitAs: "PDF"

What this will do is pull the email address from EmailTextField and send it to that person.

Hope this is a good solution for you and is a very clever way of not having 3 submit buttons.

Hope its not of your point as i feel this is the best option for you at the mo
Registered: Dec 10 2009
Posts: 10
ha! Thats works much better.

You got me on the right road... a few tweaks and I will have it. Thanks for the help and advice!
smitchell15 (not verified)
Thats ok glad to help and glad you got there

All the best :-)