I would like to know how to take an attachment that is already attached to my pdf and make it a part of my main pdf. i.e. The user will make a selction that requires them to complete a second form - upon making that selection I would like Adobe to pull the already attached document into the main document in order for the person to fill it out as well. Also as a side is there any way to hide attachments from the users - I don't want them looking at these attachments unnecessarily as that will likely just cause confusion. If this is too basic a question perhaps you could at least point me in the right direction.
-Thanks for your help
However, there are exceptions. In traditional AcroForms "Page Templates" can be used to create the effect you want. Unfortunately, "Page Templates" can only be used in Reader in a PDF that has been Rights Enabled for page templates. This can only be done from the Adobe Rights server.
A much better approach is to use a Dynamic LiveCycle Designer Form. These forms can be set up to create new fields and pages on the fly and do not require special enabling. LiveCycle Designer comes with Acrobat 7 and 8 Professional
Thom Parker
The source for PDF Scripting Info
Very Important - How to Debug Your Script