Acrobat 8 --creating FORMS
I've figured out how to make selections with Radio Buttons
And to do Calculations: SUM, AVERAGE, etc.
I just need help with 1 little thing:
can be given differing -EXPORT VALUEs-
--in Radio Button Properties
The Text Field Properties >> CALCULATE
does accept Radio Button -values- for calculations
and would calculate properly
--if it could differentiate between Radio Buttons
which have the same name, but differing Export Values
**** IF the Radio Buttons could be given a NAME
--with a subclass eg: 3-1 3-2 3-3
(or whatever else)
--all working in unison as a button 3
--and still working as select/deselect
**then that would be so helpful
*** Is there any way to assign a NAME & sub-NAME to radio Buttons?
Is this somehow related to Parent-Child..???
Is there a simple solution in one of the dialogue boxes?
If a JavaScript is needed to assign sub-Names to Radio Buttons
or to perform such a function
-- what would be the exact script???
so that I could copy / paste it
--AND where would I enter this scrip? (ie dialogue box)
If not you will have to account for the "Off" value of the group.
To see what is happening, add the following script to the start of your calculation:
// open and clear the JS console;
var rbValue = this.getFeild("RadioButtonFieldName").value; // get the field's value
console.printlin("Field value: " + rbValue); // display the value
console.println((typeof rbValue: " + (typeof rbValue) ); // type of item
console.println("isNaN(rbValue): " + isNaN(rbValue) ); // is it Not a Number
console.println("Number(rbValue): " + Number(rbValue) ); // can it be converted to a number?
cosole.println("0 + rbValue = " + (0 + rbValue) ); // try a unity addition
George Kaiser