Were the form fields created with Acrobat 7.0? If, Yes, was this form ever opened and saved with Designer 7.0? If yes, the problem could be that form fields created with Acrobat 7 and opened in Designer 7.0 will not retain the form fields when opened in Reader. Solution: Re-create the form and save it in Acrobat 7.0. It should now display all form fields in Adobe Reader.
My favorite quote - "Success is the ability to go from one failure to another with no loss of enthusiasm.
I maintain hundreds of forms. Most were converted from Jetforms using Designer, some I created new in Designer. All are readable with Acrobat Reader 7. I generally do not use Acrobat Pro for forms, they do not retain the formatting. Anyway they do not work when we open them with Reader 8, via browser or directly from a desktop. I know Adobe is not going to suggest the government convert thousands of forms... : )
Hello and I have this same problem with Forms designed in 7 not working in 8, does anyone know of a patch for this? I am in the same situation as Sean, 100k's and 100k's of forms. thanks
Solution: Re-create the form and save it in Acrobat 7.0. It should now display all form fields in Adobe Reader.
My favorite quote - "Success is the ability to go from one failure to another with no loss of enthusiasm.