I have found several references in Adobe help files and on this forum to enabling Acrobat Reader rights, and the fact that this should permit Acrobat Reader users to digitally sign a form (either in an existing signature box or anywhere on the PDF). So, I bought a copy of Acrobat 9 Standard and tried it out. I can't get it to work, and am hoping for some help. Here's what I am doing:
1. Open a PDF in Acrobat 9 Standard. (The PDF file was created by my admin person scanning in an invoice on her Fujitsu ScanSnap, which creates a PDF file using Acrobat 8 Standard)
2. Click on Forms | Add or Edit Fields
3. Click on Add New Field | Digital Signature
4. Drop the signature box in the middle of the page.
5. Click on "Close Form Editing"
6. Click on Advanced | "Extend Forms Fill-in and Save in Adobe Reader", then click on "Save Now"
7. Save the file as a new name (or overwrite the old one).
8. Open in Reader 9 and try to sign.... It's grayed out.
- Right here at this point I did a "Show Security Properties" in Acrobat 9 Standard, and in the Document Restrictions Summary it says "Not Allowed*" next to "Signing".
This shouldn't be so complex.... Wow. And then to not even work! What am I doing wrong here? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
According to the following: http://www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/matrix.php
Acrobat Standard can apply certain forms usage rights, but not signature usage rights.