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Resetting Form Fields

Registered: Jun 6 2007
Posts: 2

I have a very long form with over 600 fields, and have set up many buttons which reset sections of the form only, or in some cases just a few fields. I have done this by adding the action "Reset a Form" to the buttons, then just selecting the relevant fileds from the list given.
Now when I add new form fields, the new fields are checked on the reset list for every button that has a reset action associated with it. Obviously I do not want the new fields reset when some unrelated part of the form 10 pages over is reset. How can I stop the new fields being automatically selected on the existing reset lists in this way?
Thanks for your help.

My Product Information:
Acrobat Pro 7.0.8, Windows
Registered: Jul 9 2006
Posts: 858
I assume the user will not have to respond to all 600 fields. Some may not be relevent to them. I suggest to re-design the form with page templates, Yes/No link buttons or a pop up menu to direct the user based on their response to filtering questions. You could them combine the forms into one package or one PDF. Then the problem with resetting the fields would be reduced. Take a look at the new Acrobat 8.0 JavaScript manual to learn how to use the reset button with JavaScript.

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