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Save As Revisited

Registered: Nov 29 2007
Posts: 4

How do you insert a "save as" button in your form that brings up the "save as" dialog box under a specified path. For example: (X:\Engineering\Service Request) would be the location the file is saved in. When the button is pressed the "save as" dialog box pops up with this location. I am not real familiar with Java Script so please be specific if coding is envolved.

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LiveCycle Designer, Windows
Registered: Feb 15 2006
Posts: 4411
Acrobat JavaScript has a "doc.saveAs()" function, but unfortunatly the initial path for the SaveAs dialog cannot be set. This would be a great feature along with setting the suggested file name and dialog title. Lots of people have asked for this.

The SaveAs dialog uses the file path for the current document. So currently, there is only one way to control it and that is by saving the file to the target folder first, witch is a poor option.

Thom Parker
The source for PDF Scripting Info
Very Important - How to Debug Your Script