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send field content to e-mail

Registered: Jul 10 2010
Posts: 3


I am a graphical designer with no coding knowledge.
I've created a PDF with embedded files so it is quite large in size.
Seeing as it's too big to e-mail, i've decided to upload it to our webpage so people can view it online.

The problem:
I need to add a "comments" field on the last page with a submit button that sends the comment to an email.
Can this be done? ( This has a non-commercial output so I require a free solution )

I understand that a simple e-mail button could be used, but i know many users will be without email software.
Also saving the form out and attaching it to an e-mail is too much work for our usergroup.

I would also be very happy with the PDF uploading the form data somewhere as a simple notepad file.

Any input is much appreciated.

Registered: Apr 17 2010
Posts: 93
If you need a completely free solution, then try submitting the PDF comments to a server-side script, such as or PHP.

Submitting to the server-side script, you are able to read the FDF request input stream (Stream) or request input buffer (Byte array) from the PDF Form Submission, and save it to a file or attach it to an e-mail message.

A server-side e-mail would not require the client to use any type of e-mail software.

If you want to get real fancy, then parse the FDF data from the PDF submission using "FREE" iText products, and save the comments to a database; or directly insert the comments inside an e-mail message body.

If you need programming support, but, don't want to spend hundreds of dollars, then, purchase a copy of FDF Toolkit .net, from, and get 1 year of free support.

If you lack programming skills, then, purchase a copy of,, which uses iTextSharp and technologies. creates the script for you, so their zero programming knowledge required.