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Signatures and editing

Registered: Jul 19 2007
Posts: 12

I created a form that users will fill out then email back to me.
I added a signature field that the user will digitally sign, then he/she will email the PDF back to me already filled in, but I do not want to have the ability to edit the fields they filled in.
Is there a way when creating the form to say, "upon digitally signing the document, the user's signature locks all the fields so that no one else may edit it afterwards."


Registered: Aug 7 2007
Posts: 7
It depends on the progra you use:
If you have made your form with Acrobat itself, you have the opportunity to choose some actions in the options of the signature field, just look there.

If you have made your form with Designer then it's only possible by using java script and that will bring up problems with the performance of your form depending on how much fields you have to fill out.

I hope this will help you
