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Size of Form PDF's with Images

Registered: May 15 2007
Posts: 4

I have created a Form with Acrobat Pro v8 that has one image field and a number of text fields. The Form PDF is 70 KB. The JPG image that I used for my tests is 509 KB. When I fill the form from Acrobat Pro v8 and include the image, the saved PDF file becomes 1,087 KB. When I use Acrobat Reader v7 to fill the form and include the image, the saved PDF file becomes 10,042 KB. Anyone have any ideas on why there is such a large difference in file sizes?


Registered: Dec 14 2005
Posts: 180
You created the form in Adobe LiveCycle Designer. Designer forms often are twice the size of forms created in Acrobat. I am not surprised at the file size gain.

Carl Young

A certified expert on Adobe Acrobat, Carl Young is an Adobe Acrobat and LiveCycle Designer trainer and consultant based in Phoenix. He is the producer of the [link=]PDF Conference[/link].

Registered: May 15 2007
Posts: 4
Thanks Carl for the input. I went back and from what I have read in tutorials, etc. the 'Image field' is only available in LiveCycle Designer. One tutorial disucsses how to use a 'Button Field' for images in Acrobat, but says this will not work from Acrobat Reader.

I am still not sure why filling the form out in Acrobat Reader would yield a file 10 times larger than the same form filled out in Acrobat Pro v8.

Registered: May 15 2007
Posts: 4
Just an update to document what I have since found out. I originally created my form in another form program and 'converted' this form in LiveCycle Designer to be able to add an image field. I finally took the time to completely redo the form totally in LiveCycle Designer. I was never able to get images selected for image fields in Acrobat Reader v7 to display on the form (only a grey box would display when the image was inserted) but everything works fine with Acrobat Reader v8. Best of all my final Acrobat Reader v8 filled PDF with the image file embedded takes 710 kb versus the 10 MB using the old form with the image embedded via the image field.