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Submit Form in Reeder Error

Registered: Jul 30 2009
Posts: 3

I created a very simple form to get feedback from throughout the company. In the submit forms selections box I selected the Export Format PDF: The complete document.

When people throughout the company opened the file, it still gave them the message that only the data would be returned, not the entire PDF. After completing the form and trying to submit it, it gave them the error "This Operation not Permitted."

I looked on this forum and found someone with the same problem. They were told to enable user rights because adobe reader can't submit forms without it. I enabled user rights but they began to get this error message "This document enabled extedned features in Adobe Reader. The document has been changed since it was created and use of the extended features is no longer available. Please contact the author for the original version of this document."
That was the original version of the document.

I couldn't find a solution so I just started over. This time in the submit forms selections box I selected the Export Format FDF: Include Field Data. They didn't have a problem submitting the form from Adobe Reader even without user rights enabled.

Is this going to fix the problem for all users trying to submit this form or is there something else creating the two errors that I need to be aware of before I send this out to my whole company. I'm pretty new and I'd hate to look stupid when my form fails on everyone.

Thanks for the help.

My Product Information:
Acrobat Standard 9.1.1, Windows
Registered: Feb 6 2009
Posts: 105
Hi Baersteven,

Just as a quick reference when submitting a form, if you submit the entire PDF, it's required to enable extended features, otherwise it's an Acrobat only feature. That said, the error you're running into sounds like the file wasn't secured properly. If you enable extended features it prompts you for a save-as to save a copy, with the copy having the features extended. If you then make any changes to that copied file and save, the features get knocked out. What I like to do is secure the file with a password so it can't be edited, and then enabled extended features. This now allows me to save the pdf with filled in forms, but I don't have the ability to edit field properties using their property windows.

But based on a recent thread in this forum, what you're experiencing could be a bug. Look a few threads down and you'll see something similar happening.