Ive been reading thru this forum for a week or so and i havent seem to have found a straight answer on this question. the form im creating will be a part of a website for users to fill out and submit. i made the form in acrobat 9 pro
ive went thru tutorials on how to create forms etc and got thru them with pretty much no problems. ive created a submit button via email and tested it in adobe reader 9 on my laptop (im on my desktop right now) and it worked but i dont want the form to cause the users pc to open up outlook or outlook express and then send the user thru yet another step in emailing me the form.
the form will be on a website, so i want the user to fill out the form and click the "submit" button so the pdf or fdf will go directly to my server/webhost. I DONT WANT THE "mailto: me [at] aim [dot] com" EMAIL BOX TO OPEN UP. i dont even really want the form to come back in an email.
so my question is, if i create a folder on my host and add the address of that folder to my "submit button", will the pdf (or fdf) go to that folder without using any script to get it there?? i dont mind manually going to that folder and retriving the forms. i dont really care if the form isnt put into a data base etc. as long as it gets to that folder im ok because saving each form in pdf format is good enough for the job im faced with
- FDF (Form Data Format)
- XFDF (XML Form Data Format)
- PDF Complete Document (Requires Acrobat or Reader Extensions)
All of these formats need to be handled by some kind of script on your server.
Also, you will want to make sure that each file has a unique name; otherwise you will have file name conflicts.
Jim Healy
FormRouter, Inc.
Jim Healy, Founder & CEO FormRouter Inc.
Chapter Leader AUG RTP NC