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Tab Order Problems

Registered: Nov 13 2009
Posts: 6

Hi, I'm converting 14 static PDFs files to fillable PDFs using Acrobat 9. The files are all similar, but not exactly the same. They are registration forms that are 2 pages long, with 6 students on each page that each get between 13-25 fields that need to be filled out. They're a mixture of text fields, radio buttons and checkboxes.

The problem I'm having is the tab ordering... because the fields don't go in normal rows or columns I'm setting the tab order manually.

Problem #1:
When I'm re-ordering the items in the Fields list, I can only drag one item at a time, so it takes FOREVER. Is there any way to change the tab order of multiple items at once?

Problem #2:
After I have the tab order sorted out and working fine, if I go and make a single change to any of the fields (for example moving a text box up 1pt) the tab order changes. Is there any way to avoid that?

Problem #3:
Once I have the first student line done on the page (Name, address, etc... 13-25 fields), what's the best way to duplicate that for the other 5 students on that page, and the six students on the second page? When I right-click and hit Duplicate it keeps the same names, so I have to manually rename all of the fields. Becomes a bit tedious. Is there a way to duplicate the fields and have them show up with unique names?

Problem #4:
Once I have a single PDF complete I want to move all of the fields to the next PDF. I've been doing this by replacing all of the pages with the next PDF, then saving it with a new name. The second file is almost the same, but spacing will be a bit different. As soon as I start moving the fields around (usually just shifting by 1/8" or so) the tab order gets COMPLETELY changed. Is there any way to avoid this?

Please let me know if any further info is required. Thanks!

My Product Information:
Acrobat Pro 9.2, Macintosh
Registered: Nov 13 2009
Posts: 6
Any solutions? Guesses?
Registered: Dec 31 2005
Posts: 848

Setting tab orders is a bit of a mess in A9. I don't know why we can't select multiple fields in the Fields panel and drag them together. It has to be handled one by one. I don't know any simple workarounds for the tabbing problems.

For Question 3, here's a simple solution:

Name the fields using hierarchical names (, set.1.address,, etc.) or some similar naming convention but be sure to use set.1 or something similar as the root name.

After all fields are added for the first group and named accordingly, open the fields panel and change the root name to set.2 (You can view the names in a hierarchy much like bookmarks. Edit the top level set.1 name)

Select the fields on the form and copy them to the clipboard.

Without doing anything else press Ctrl/Command + Z to Undo. The names of the fields on the page return to the original names (set.1 root names).

The fields on the clipboard have the root name of set.2 so the names are different. Paste onto the form and align. Be certain to have the Select Object tool active when pasting.

If multiple groups need to be added to a form, use something like set.x when you first change the name. When you copy the fields set.x will be on the clipboard. Each time you paste, just change the root name in the Fields panel after pasting to 1, 2, 3, etc.

Sorry I can't be of much help with the tabbing issues.


The author of numerous books on Acrobat, Photoshop, Illustrator and the Adobe Creative Suite, and an international speaker on Adobe Acrobat, Ted Padova is a well-known PDF guru.

Registered: Nov 13 2009
Posts: 6
Thanks for the response Ted.

Using your method, would I not still have to manually rename each individual field that I put in? For example if I have Student 1's name, address, DOB, etc etc all named, set.1.address, etc then I rename them all to, copy them all, undo, then paste... to get student 3, 4, 5,...,12 I would have to manually rename them each time wouldn't I?

Here's a screenshot of what I'm doing. Maybe I'm doing it wrong?

For the tab 'mess' in A9... is there any ways to know if Adobe knows of this issue, like an official bug list or similar?