This one may have an easy fix, but I'm new to Forms. I'm using Acrobat 9 Pro Extended and have created a form that is an online employment application, 5 pages long.
Because the form is a bit complicated (text fields, radio buttons, combo boxes and check boxes), I used manual tabbing and got everything just so-so. Then I pasted a logo in the top lefhand corner of page one, and allowed extended features in Adobe Reader.
When I open the Form in Adobe Reader version 8.1.2...
1. The tab sequence is no longer where I left it. It does not tab in the correct order.
2. After the last field at the bottom of the page, it sees the logo as a field that it needs to tab to and tabs back to the logo at the top of the page. (Which it doesn't do in Acrobat 9 Pro Extended.)
Does anyone know what I need to do to keep the tabbing order correct, and to keep Adobe Reader from seeing the logo as a field it needs to tab to?
Any advice would be deeply appreciated!!!
Max Wyss.