Adobe Acrobat 9.1, forms created using LiveCycle Designer. I've designed multiple forms where a supervisor can enter instructions on how to perform certain job tasks. I'd like to flatten the filled out forms so that I can merge completed forms into a single .pdf rather than a portfolio of forms.
I've downloaded and inserted into my Javascript folder, the app PDFScript_FlattenPages. In Acrobat, with a filled out form, I click on the Flatten Pages button and nothing happens. When I go to the Javascript console I get the following error message:
Notallowederror: Security settings prevent access to this property or method
I made no security provisions in Livecycle. In Acrobat, when I check the document restrictions, I see the following:
Changing Document: Not Allowed
Document Assembly: Not Allowed
No security provisions are chosen in Acrobat either. I'm not sure where I go about allowing document changes.
I read of another method of flattening by going through PDF Optimizer, however I can't choose that because I get the message "Adobe XML form can not be optimized".
I'm fairly new to Acrobat, and stumped. I appreciate any suggestions.
You cannot flatten LiveCycle Designer form fields with JavaScript- the flatten pages tool you are using is only for AcroForms ( interactive forms created with Acrobat, not LiveCycle Designer). The scripting model for AcroForms and LCD forms are not the same.
Hope this helps,
WindJack Solutions
Dimitri Munkirs
WindJack Solutions